Faith Presbyterian Church, Canton, Georgia
3655 Reinhardt College Pkwy, Canton, GA 30114
Worship: Sundays at 10:00a
Activities | Faith Pres

Join Us in Activities

Combined Worship with Congregation of Grace and Fellowship Meal, February 4th at 10 AM.

A New Bible Study in May, 11AM:  The Prostitute in the Family Tree by Douglas Adams. Discover humor and irony in the Bible as we continue the Gift of Spiritual Laughter.  Contact Marilyn for info:  928-710-5234

Men’s Breakfast meets soon

Call Marilyn (929-710-5234) for more information or to join a fun study group.

Prospective Book Studies For Group Discussions

CALLED TO CARE FOR LAY CAREGIVERS. Lessons include reviewing and following in the way Jesus was present with people in need of caregiving. This United Church of Christ resource teaches practical ways to care for family, neighbors, friends, church members in a myriad of situations from Addiction to Cancer to Death and Dying, Empty Nesters, Job Loss, and more with Care Cards available for each need. Care Cards on each situation shares information, prayers, scripture, and resources to help. Learn how to listen, pray with another, share scriptures, be present and minister with God’s people.

EMBRACING EMERGENCE CHRISTIANITY Phyllis Tickle on the Church’s Next Rummage Sale.  Every 500 years throughout history a GIANT CHANGE occurred-we got rid of the old and God emerged the new. “Phyllis invites us to join her in examining the changing face of Christianity and culture...over the last 2,000 years. The last great upheaval was the Great Reformation of the 1500’s...The next is happening now, with 9/11 being it’s marker. What are the implications of this “Great Emergence,” both culturally and spiritually? What are the key questions and issues that need to be addressed?” WHERE IS GOD LEADING US? Her 6 sessions begin with her DVD presentation.

WRITE OUR OWN AUTOBIOGRAPHY, SPIRITUAL LIFE JOURNEY? HAVEN’T THOUGHT ABOUT? God is present during each day of our lives. In following the LIFE OF CHRIST, write your own birth, baptism, call, life, death (to old) and resurrection (new life) stories. BE SURPRISED with God’s forever presence with each of us. Several resources available or do it yourself in a group.  Our Sunday readings, The Lectionary, follows the life of Jesus and is a great resource.

PRAYER AND TEMPERAMENT-DIFFERENT PRAYER FORMS FOR DIFFERENT PERSONALITY TYPES by Chester P. Michael & Marie C. Norrisey Are you an Extrovert like Matthew (Sensing=Judger)and Mark (Sensing-Perceiver)? Or, are you an Introvert like Luke (Intuitive-Feeler) and John (Intuitive-Thinker)? Enjoy their Prayer style suggestions. Find Prayer styles you are most comfortable with according to your personality. Take the Mayers Briggs Type Indicator to discover your personality type. The goal of this book is to explore all types of prayer growing into all types with grace, love and deeper relationship with God in Christ and the Holy Spirit. Challenge yourself by trying something new.

THE LAST WEEK [Lenten Study]: "The Jesus that many followers know from books and stories is not quite as complex as the actual man was. Most classical teachings emphasize the same Characteristics and parables time and again. This is especially true of the events during his final week and crucifixion. In modern Christianity, many details of Jesus, as a man, are often overlooked or not delved into. As Biblical scholars, authors Marcus J. Borg and John Dominic Crossan have made it their mission to unravel and to present for Christian audiences the intricacies of the final days of Jesus with their latest educational book on modern Christianity, The Last Week". Follows every day of Jesus’ Final Week.

OTHER WISHES? -- Call Marilyn for more information: 928-710-5234

Faith Presbyterian Church, 3655 Reinhardt College Pkwy, Canton, GA 30114
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