Faith Presbyterian Church, Canton, Georgia
3655 Reinhardt College Pkwy, Canton, GA 30114
Worship: Sundays at 10:00a
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Who Are We Presbyterians?

Why here? God's little, White Church in the dale is a well kept secret … Come to see, hear, think, sense, smell and feel God's community of warmth, inclusive welcome, uplifting music, releasing words of forgiveness, stirring words of Christ's love, and a passionate call to do God's Word in a mission of your choice with faith, fun, food, fellowship, love and hope.

Come and find a Church Home with us, enjoy the peace, joy and fellowship. There is a Place For You.

NEEDS, DREAMS, HOPES await your gifts:

Gifts of Welcoming? - Welcome the stranger as well as friends and members. Greet and share information to follow up with visitors. Send them a welcoming note and drop off a loaf of bread…no strings attached.
Musical gifts? - Help build the Chancel and Bell Choir or share your musical instrument for joyful worship or in mission outreach. Create or produce musical, dance or drama presentations for
Gifts of serving? - Help prepare and serve communion, be a liturgist/reader, altar care, an usher, greeter, acolyte, fellowship events, budget and finance, publicity, website administration,
building maintenance, nursery care.
Gifts of Mercy and helping? - Home & Foreign Missions Projects help feed the hungry, homeless, children, families in need, seniors, veterans or pursue God’s call to you.
Gifts of creative art and crafts? - Share your gift in small group and donate to our mission projects and families in need.
Gifts of teaching and childcare: - Help organize, facilitate Christian Formation classes teach as needs of congregation arise or start a Childcare Discovery Center. Or create something new as God calls.
Gifts of prayer leadership: - Help lead a praise and prayer group, healing service, etc. Visit the lonely and those in need of prayer and fellowship.
Gifts of Encouraging. - Help everyone use God’s gifts among us. Jesus says we can do all things through Him who strengthens us. He has commissioned us to go and do as he does.
Gifts of Administration: - Lead, organize and help carry out responsibilities with Group help.
Hopes and Dreams: -
  • Adopt a with one family with clothes, household goods as vet transitions to civilian life.
  • Create raised Garden to grow fresh food for the hungry. Garden Group.
  • Invite Welcome Wagon to assemble goods at church for new people moving to area. Add our welcome.
  • Rent space for groups like Weight Watchers, etc to raise funds for outreach, etc.
  • Invite Community to hear Speakers for Elder concerns, Parenting, finance and budget, surviving inflation, Stock Market help, health and wellbeing.
    6. Have special Sunday worship or after worship programs…just for kids, elderly or youth monthly…invite those ages to serve.
  • Begin The Blessing of God’s Creatures yearly event.
  • Visit nursing home with music, old hymns. Share and find joy as lonely Patients snap alive to join in with joyful music.
  • Faith Caregivers: learn how to do pastoral ministry to different needs in and out of Faith church.
  • Start a Coffeehouse with music. Learn Servant Leadership as a Server.
  • Take a group of congregants to retirement homes to share worship, Bible Study, crafts, etc.  Teach art, share games with them.
  • Begin Singles group
  • Begin Bingo, Game Group activities
  • Begin Empty Nesters Group
  • Enjoy Men’s Monthly Breakfast, Create Women’s, Youth, Children’s Events
  • Other
Faith Presbyterian Church, 3655 Reinhardt College Pkwy, Canton, GA 30114
© 2008-2025 Faith Presbyterian Church
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